Zinc status in patients with chronic renal failure on conservative and peritoneal dialysis treatment Posted on March 5, 2019August 26, 2022 by admin ORIGINAL ARTICLE Hippokratia 2012, 16, 4: 356-359 Yonova D, Vazelov E, Tzatchev K Dialysis clinic, Central clinical laboratory, UMHAT “Aleksandrovska”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Purple Urine Bag Syndrome: a case report of an alarming phenomenon Posted on March 4, 2019July 26, 2022 by admin CASE REPORT Hippokratia 2014, 18, 1: 92-94 Agapakis DI, Massa EV, Hantzis I, Paschoni E, Satsoglou E Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital of Goumenissa, Kilkis, ICU, Hippokratio General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece