The dangerous defeat of science and its implications for health behaviors: The case of vaccination


Hippokratia 2024, 28(1): 43

Gazouli M, Panagiotopoulos N, Souliotis K
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Laboratory of Biology, Medical School, Department of Communication & Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Department of Social and Education Policy, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece

Total costs of inpatient treatment for COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital in Serbia


Hippokratia 2022, 26(2): 62-69

Sazdanovic PS, Milisavljevic S, Milovanovic DR, Jankovic SM, Baskic D, Ignjatovic Ristic D, Ruzic Zecevic D, Tomic Lucic A, Djordjevic N, Jovanovic D, Stojkovic A, Lazarevic T, Begovic Cvetkovic M, Kostic MJ
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, University Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Public Health Institute, Kragujevac, Serbia

Sleep quality and associated factors in the context of COVID-19, among prehospital emergency personnel, in North-Eastern Greece


Hippokratia 2021, 25(3): 126-133

Arvaniti A, Steiropoulos P, Panousis Ch, Kalamara E, Samakouri M, Constantinidis T, Nena E
Department of Psychiatry, Department of Pulmonology, Laboratory of Hygiene and Environmental Protection, Laboratory of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece