Categorization and comparison of patients suffering from migraines without aura or other headaches in primary health care centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a cross-sectional, multi-centered, prospective study


Hippokratia 2023, 27(3): 99-105

Jatić Z, Miljanović B, Gavran L, Prasko S, Šakušić Mujić A, Pehar R, Mehić M, Tanović Avdić A, Šukalo A, Glamočlija U
The Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton, Sarajevo, The Public Institution Health Center of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, The Public Institution Health Centre of Zenica, Zenica, The Public Institution Health Centre of Gračanica, Gračanica, The Public Institution Health Centre of Mostar, Mostar, Medical Support Unit, Bosnalijek d.d., Sarajevo, Market Support Department, Bosnalijek d.d., Sarajevo, Scientific-Research Unit, Bosnalijek d.d., Sarajevo, Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Pharmacy,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The first comparative double-blind trial on efficacy and safety of ergotamine based five-component combination and sumatriptan in migraine without aura


Hippokratia 2018, 22(1):17-22

Miljković S, Smajlović Dz, Tirić Campara M, Jurina R, Duranović Vinković L, Janković SM, Begović B, Ćeranić M
Department of Neurology, University Clinical Center Banja Luka, Department of Neurology, University Clinical Center Tuzla, Department of Neurology, University Clinical Center Sarajevo, Department of Neurology, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Department of Neurology, Cantonal Hospital “Dr. Safet Mujić” Mostar (Regional Medical Center), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISPOR Regional Chapter, Bosnalijek dd, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina