Students’ opinion concerning alterations to undergraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative review


Hippokratia 2024, 28(3): 83-92

Gournelli M, Nena E, Serif-Damadoglou E, Arvaniti A
Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece

Final-year medical students’ self-assessment of their competence to perform 123 clinical skills: A cross-sectional study in Greece


Hippokratia 2024, 28(3): 109-114

Savvidou E, Evangelidis N, Evangelidis P, Avramidou E, Nteli M, Nteli D, Nastas T, Sitmalidou M, Vitoris I, Smyrnakis E
Laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Practice and Health Services Research, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on medical education in Greece: A cross-sectional study


Hippokratia 2022, 26(2): 55-61

Tsiartas E, Kontopyrgou D, Kyprianou H, Haidich AB, Dardavessis T
Department of Hygiene, Social & Preventive Medicine, and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece