The impact of perinatal history in the occurrence of childhood obesity: a literature review


Hippokratia 2018, 22(4): 155-161

Notara V, Kokkou S, Panagiotakos D
Department of Public & Community Health, School of Public Health, University of West Attica Athens, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece.

Development of type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus


Hippokratia 2012, 16, 4: 385

Tsakalis AV, Harizopoulou VC, Goulis DG, Savopoulos C, Limenopoulos V, Hatzitolios AI
Department of Internal Medicine, “G. Gennimatas” Hospital, Unit of Reproductive Endocrinology, First Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, First Propedeutic Medical Department, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece