Importance of etiological factors in the development of suspected structural spine variations Posted on July 19, 2023July 21, 2023 by admin RESEARCH ARTICLE Hippokratia 2022, 26(4): 147-151 Kraljević B University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine (Applied Physiotherapy), Igalo, Professional Medical School, Podgorica, Montenegro
The effect of gender on acute kidney injury developing in the intensive care unit Posted on June 19, 2020July 21, 2022 by admin RESEARCH ARTICLE Hippokratia 2019, 23(3): 126-130 Güzel C, Yeşiltaş S, Daşkaya H, Uysal H, Sümer I, Türkay M Department of Anesthesiology, Bezmialem Vakıf University, Istanbul, Turkey