The quarterly medical journal “HIPPOKRATIA” is published by the Scientific Committee of Hippokratio General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece, and it is a forum for medical scientists. Its official language is English and publishes articles on basic, clinical and epidemiological research, as well as interesting case reports and letters. Due to economic reasons there are no free from charge pages in Hippokratia Journal any more. Hippokratia journal will consider for publication:
- Editorial and invited articles.
- Review articles. These should be written by experts on the subject. The subject of the review should be treated in a chronological order of its developments and emphasis should be placed on the most recent ones. They must include an abstract language, which should be less than 300 words long. The article should be no more than 5 printed pages long (4000 words) including references. The first 5 pages of a review article are charged 10 € each. Each extra page is charged 150 €.
- Original articles. These should be of experimental, clinical or epidemiological character. They should include: a structured abstract, introduction, in which the recent developments on the subject of the research and the reason for the undertaken study should be reported; description of the Material and Methods; report of the Results; and Discussion, which should include the conclusions of the study. The article should be no more than 4 printed pages long (3200 words) including references. The first 4 pages of an original are charged 10 € each. Each extra page is charged 150 €.
- Case Reports. Rare clinical cases with interesting presentation, diagnosis or treatment should be described in them. They should include Abstract; short Introduction, Description of case, and short Discussion. They should be less than one printed page (800 words) including references. The first page of a case report is charged 10 €. Each extra page is charged 150 €.
- Case series: They should be less than two printed pages (1600 words) including references. The first 2 pages of case series article are charged 10 € each. Each extra page is charged 150 €.
- Letters to the Editor should be concise and less than 500 words (no figures). There are no page charges for letters to the Editor.
- The editorial board of the journal has the right to publish the abstracts of Congresses, Seminars etc. All reported clinical trials must have been registered in an international Clinical Trial Registry, and the registration number must be provided. Reports of randomised trials must conform to the revised CONSORT guidelines, and should be submitted with their protocols. Randomised trials that report harms must be described according to the extended CONSORT guidelines. Studies of diagnostic accuracy must be reported according to the STARD guidelines. Observational studies (cohort, case–control, or cross-sectional designs) must be reported according to the STROBE statement. Genetic association studies must be reported according to the STREGA guidelines. Systematic reviews and metaanalyses must be reported according to the PRISMA guidelines.
Manuscript preparation: Hippokratia Journal complies with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Articles submitted for publication should be written in English language. The copy-editor of the journal has the right to change the language structure of the manuscript without transforming its meaning by the author. Number pages consecutively in this order: title page, abstract, text, references, legends, and tables. Figures should be provided separately.
a. On the title page provide the title of the article, list each author’s name and institutional affiliation, and indicate the corresponding author. In case, the study has been reported in abstract form elsewhere, indicate the respective scientific meeting.
b. On the abstract page provide the abstract (background, methods, results, conclusions) and 3-7 key-words.
c. Figure and Table preparation. Figures: For reproduction in the journal you will be required, to supply high resolution .tiff images in separate files (1200 dpi for line drawings and 300 dpi for color and half tone work at intended display size – column width of 76 mm or page width of 160 mm). It is advisable to create your high resolution images first as they can easily converted into low resolution images for on line submission. Line drawings, graphs, and charts should be professionally drawn or computer generated and printed on a high resolution laser printer. Any lettering in the figures should be large enough to stand photographic reduction. Authors should prepare their figures for either one column (76 mm) or the entire page width (160 mm). The editors reserve the right to reduce the size of illustrated material. Authors may, however, specifically request a larger reproduction.
Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they appear in the text. Reference should be made in the text
to each figure. Each figure must be accompanied by an explanatory legend, typewritten with double spacing and the legends to all figures should be
typed together on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Any photomicrographs, electron micrographs or radiographs must be of high quality. Photomicrographs of histopathological specimens should provide details of staining technique and magnification used (or use an internal scale bar). All micrographs must carry a magnification bar. Explain all symbols used in the figure. Patients shown in photographs should have their identity concealed or should have given their written consent to publication of the photographs. For a photograph of a minor, signed parental permission is required.
Tables should be added at the end of the manuscript and not interspersed throughout the manuscript. They should be submitted as part of the Word document, typed neatly, each table on a separate page in double spacing, with the title above and a clear legend below. The legend should contain all the necessary information so that the table and legend may stand alone, independent of the text. Explain all abbreviations. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses. A table must have at least two columns. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Lists are to be incorporated into the text. Do not use patient initials in tables. Patients should be referred to by sequential Arabic numerals, not by their initials.
d. References: Use et al after the 6th author name. Put a full stop after the journal’s name and after the last page. Refer year (;), volume (:), and first and last page. The author is responsible for obtaining written permission to reproduce previously published material (illustrations, tables) from the copyright holder. The consent of the senior author must also be acquired.
The submitted manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which should specify:
1. A statement that the submission is not under consideration by any other journal or published previously (apart from abstracts);
2. A statement by the responsible author certifying that all co-authors have seen and agree with the contents of the manuscript. It is a policy of the journal that submissions are not returned back to the authors.
A letter for articles accepted for publication accompanied by the reviewers’ comments is sent to the authors for final corrections. Proofs are accompanied by a document for ordering a specified number of reprints by the authors.
Transfer of copyright to the journal “Hippokratia” is a condition of publication.
The corresponding author must include a Conflict of Interest Statement on behalf of all authors at the end of the article. If there is no conflict of
interest it must be stated. The manuscript can be submitted on-line (, by e-mail ( or or by ground mail.
Submission by ground mail: Submit three high-quality copies of the manuscript. Type or print entire manuscript, including references, tables, and figure legends, double spaced on standard-sized, good quality white bond, using amble margins. The printed material must be accompanied by a CD containing the submission in electronic form.
Software and format: Both online and ground mail electronic submissions, must be in Microsoft Word 6.0 or later document processing format.
File names. Submit the whole manuscript (abstracts, text, references, tables, legends) as a single file. Name each file with your last name (up
to eight characters). Text files should be given the three-letter extension that identifies file format. Submit figures as separate files from text files, on the same or separate CD. Label all CDs with the first Author’s name and a short title of the manuscript. Tables and charts should be adjuncts to the text and must not repeat material already presented. They should be numbered consecutively, with Roman numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Labels: Label all CDs with your name, the file name, and the word processing program and version used.
Articles must be sent to: Georgios Efstratiadis, Editor-in-Chief, Hippokratia,
Hippokratio General Hospital of Thessaloniki, 49, Kon. Karamanli Street,
546 42 Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel: +30 2313312674, Fax: +30 2313312674,
e-mail: or