Honorary Editor:
Vergoulas G, MD, PhD
Nephrologist, Manager of AHEPA University Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece
Manager of the Special Diseases Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece
Triaridis S, MD, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor in Otolaryngology, 1st Otolaryngology Department,
AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
triaridi@med.auth.gr, triaridis@hotmail.com
Boura P, MD, PhD
Professor in Internal Medicine – Clinical Immunology, Head of the 2nd Department of
Internal Medicine, Hippokratio Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Efstratiadis G, MD, PhD
Professor in Internal Medicine – Nephrology, Head of the Department of Nephrology,
Hippokratio Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Miserlis Gr, MD
Nephrologist, Director, Organ transplant Unit, Hippokratio Hospital,
Thessaloniki, Greece gmyserli@otenet.gr
Associate Editors:
Kyrgidis A, MD, DDS, MSc, PhD
Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece akyrgidi@gmail.com
Mavridis P, MD, MSc, PhD
Pediatrician, Neonatologist, Thessaloniki, Greece
Psirropoulos D, MD, PhD
Cardiologist, Head of the Cardiology Department, G.Genimmatas General Hospital,
Thessaloniki, Greece dpsyro@otenet.gr
Raptopoulou-Gigi M, MD, PhD
Emeritus professor, Aristotle University Medical School,
Thessaloniki, Greece mrapto@med.auth.gr
Sampanis C, MD, PhD
Internal Medicine, Director, Diabetes Centre, Hippokratio Hospital,
Thessaloniki, Greece chsambanis@yahoo.gr
Tsitsopoulos PP, MD, PhD
Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Hippokratio General Hospital,
Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vidalis A, MD, PhD
Psychiatrist, President, PanHellenic Society of General Hospital Psychiatry,
President, ISoQM vidalis@med.auth.gr
Vogiatzis I, MD, MSc, PhD
Director of Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Veroia, Greece
ivogia@hotmail.gr, giannis70@hol.gr
Vrochides D, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCSC
Adj. Professor in Surgery, Multi-Organ Transplant Department, McGill University,
Montreal, QC, Canada info@vrochides.com, vrochides@yahoo.com
Advisory Committee:
Agnanti Ν (Ioannina, Greece)
Altun A (Istanbul, Turkey)
Anogianakis G (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Antonakoudis Ch (Athens, Greece)
Αthanasiadou – Piperopoulou F (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Bamidis P (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Barbullushi M (Tirana, Albania)
Batistatou A (Ioannina, Greece)
Boudonas G (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Charalabopoulos K (Alexandroupoli, Greece)
Chrysant S (Oklahoma, US)
Daniilidis A (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Deltas C (Nicosia, Cyprus)
Diamandopoulos A (Patras, Greece)
Drevelegas A (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Eleftheriadis T (Serres, Greece)
Gjata M (Tirana, Albania)
Goulis D (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Grekas D (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Idrizi A (Tirana, Albania)
Ivanovski N (Skopje, FYROM)
Kalogiannidis I (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Kanonidou E (Veria, Greece)
Karagiannis S (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Katsinelos P (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Kiperova B (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Koroshi A (Tirana, Albania)
Kountouras I (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Kouzmanovska D (Skopje, FYROM)
Liapis H (St Louis, US)
Loenneke J (Oklahoma, US)
Loufopoulos A (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Lubomirova M (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Malizos K (Larisa, Greece)
Maltezos E (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
Manes Ch (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Milisavljevic D (Nis, Serbia)
Nenov D (Varna, Bulgaria)
Panidis D (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Papachristou F (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Papadimas I (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Papadopulos N (Munich, Germany)
Papanas Ν (Alexandroupoli, Greece)
Papandreou D (Nicosia, Cyprus)
Pekovic – Perunicic G (Belgrade, Serbia)
Pljesa S (Belgrade, Serbia)
Poletaev A (Moscow, Russia)
Polyzoidis K (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Prapas N (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Proios H (New York, US)
Rasic Milutinovic Z (Belgrade, Serbia)
Robis V (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Sinakos E (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Spasovski G (Skopje, FYROM)
Stavropoulos – Giokas K (Athens, Greece)
Stankovic M (Nis, Serbia)
Stefanidis St (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Stojceva Taneva O (Skopje, FYROM)
Theodorou I (Paris, France)
Theofilopoulos A (La Jolla, US)
Topouzis F (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Tsapas A (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Tsara V (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Tsitouridis I (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Vital V (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Yonova D (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Zouboulis Ch (Berlin, Germany)
Ziroyannis P (Athens, Greece)
Statisticians: Haidich AB, Tzellos T
Technical reviewers: Gidaris D, Paschos P, Papadopoulou N
Image processing Expert: Karakostas An
Journal secretary: Nikolaidou M
Publication Office:
LITHOGRAPHIA Αntoniadis I – Psarras Th G.P.
19th km, Thessaloniki – Polygyros Str, 570 01, Νea Redestos
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Financial Management:
Hippokratio General Hospital of Thessaloniki
49, Konstantinoupoleos Str, 546 42 Thessaloniki, Greece