Solitary fibrous tumours: unusual aspects of a rare disease

Hippokratia. 2012; 16(3):269-274

S. Meroni, L. Funicelli, C. Rampinelli, D. Galetta, L. Bonello, L. Spaggiari, M. Bellomi


Background: In literature there are only a few descriptions of the typical presentation of solitary fibrous tumours (SFT) and only a few case reports showing its unusual clinical and radiological features.
Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the computed tomography scans of 36 patients presenting with a histological diagnosis of SFT between 1998 and 2008.
Results: We present five cases of SFT with an atypical clinical presentation and radiological features.
Conclusions: SFT can occasionally present with unusual radiological features making a differential diagnosis difficult. Even thought imaging plays a fundamental role in the initial diagnostic approach, final diagnosis in only confirmed by biopsy and histology.