Hippokratia 2008, 12(1):56-58
E. Kiverniti, A. Singh, P. Clarke
Enlargement of the submandibular gland is a condition that raises the alarm for further investigation as the risk of an underlying malignancy is higher in comparison to parotid gland enlargement. Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis or Kuttner’s tumour is usually mis-recognised as it is only after excision of the gland that the correct diagnosis is made. We present a case of a 47-year-old male patient who presented with one year history of firm non-tender enlarged right submandibular gland which was removed surgically and histology showed to be sclerosing sialadenitis. Küttner’s tumour is a rare disease, which mimics malignancy. There is not enough evidence to support any diagnostic means that could help in the differential diagnosis of this benign condition. Given the high rate of malignancy in firm, painless lesions of the submandibular gland, surgical excision is often advocated and Kuttner’s tumour is usually diagnosed by the histopathologist.