Intraperitoneal pseudocyst formation: Complication of fungal peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

Hippokratia 2007, 11(4):219-220

E. Sahpazova, B. Ruso, D. Kuzmanovska


A 14-year-old girl, with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) the last 4 years, after an episode of Candida albicans was switched to hemodialysis. One month later she came back because of a palpable – painful abdominal mass and abdominal distention. Computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound examination demonstrated a demarkated fluid collection in the lower abdomen and pelvis. The cyst was drained percutaneously and the culture disclosed candida albicans which was treated with fluconasole. Two months later, the girl was admitted again with the same symptoms. An investigative laparotomy was undergone and the cyst was drained again. Fluid cultures were negative. CT abdomen examination six months later was negative for cyst relapse. In conclusion, intraperitoneal pseudocyst is a serious complication of CAPD. Surgical intervention may be preferable to percutaneous drainage.

Keywords: peritoneal dialysis, fungal peritonitis, intraperitoneal pseudocyst

Correspoding author: Sahpazova E, Pediatric Clinic, Dpt of Nephrology, Medical Faculty, Vodnjanska 17, 1000 Skopje, F.Y.R.O.M., tel: 0038923147721, e-mail: