Hippokratia 2002, 6(4):167-170
G Frangandreas, N Flaris, D Tsantilas, Ch Spiridis, H. Pezikoglou, Th. Gerasimidis
Lesions of the urachus are rarely manifested clinically in adulthood. They more commonly cause clinical problems in children. The urachus is obliterated in early infancy and its remains persist as the median umbilical ligament. The lumen of the lower part of the urachus may persist throughout life and communicate with the cavity of the bladder. Persistent urachal remnants are most likely a normal phenomenon and clinically important only when complicated by infection, neoplasia or cystic dilatation.We present an adult patient with an unusually large urachal cyst causing hydronephrosis of the right kidney.