Hippokratia 1999, 3(4):166-170
N. Vougiouklis
An important number of sanitary personnel daily make contact with the viruses of hepatitis B, C and AIDS and they are in danger to be infected. The evolution of the infection depends on the immunological status of the person, the kind and virulence of the virus, the concentration in the biological fluid and the kind of contact.In this review some epidemiological data are given concerning the risk of each of the above diseases and which show that the risk of infection from percutaneous contact is very low. The usual ways of contact are reported such as the puncture during the recapping of the used needle, in sites where minor operations take place. The infected sharp tools are disposed in special solid containers while the biological fluids in plastic bags.It is very important to have the full collaboration of the personnel during the procedure and to follow clearly defined instructions.