Changes of serum apolipoproteins and Lp(a) in patients with Parkinsonism

Hippokratia 1999, 3(1):29-32

R. Tsitamidou, M. Bostantsopoulou, E. Babaliki, Od. Kourkoulis, Ath Salagoudis, K. Pinaka


Abnormal serum apolipoprotein levels are reported in neurological disorders such as the genetic relationship between myotonic dystrophy and Apo CII. Recently increasing attention has been focused on the possible roles of Apo Ε in the nervous system. Lp (a) is a potential atherogenic and thrombogenic risk factor. Lp(a) levels have been reported to be associated with cerebral ischemia. The aim of the study was to investigate the changes of serum apolipoproteins and Lp(a) in neural degenerative disease (parkinsonism) and the clinical usefulness.We measured apoliproteins [AI, AII, Β, Ε and Lp(a)] in the serum of patients with Parkinsonism and compared them with healthy controls using the immunoturbidimetric method. Statistically significant decreases of serum Apo Al, increases of Apo Ε and increased of Lp(a) were observed.It is suggested that these parameters should be included in the laboratory control of patients with diseases of neural system, since it is known that they are associated with degenerative diseases of the CNS (Apo E) and atherosclerotic lesions [Lp(a)].