Hippokratia 2000, 4(3):105-120
V. Sdrani, M. Goutzioulis
The selection of the anesthetic methods during cesarean section is determined by a number of parameters. One important of the latter is the presence of obstetric complication to parturients, as preeclampsia or non-obstetric as mitral stenosis. Other parameters that determine the anesthetic technique for cesarean section are the indications of the obstetricians and pediatrists, the experience of the anesthesiologist as well as the emergency or not of the operation.
The anesthetic methods that are used today are the general anesthesia with intravenous administration of anesthetic drugs and the regional anesthesia – epidural or spinal – with neural block. In normal parturients regional analgesia is indicated for pain delivery and the regional anesthesia for cesarean section.The aim of this article is to describe the indications and parameters that determine the selection of the appropriate anesthetic methods for elective or emergency cesarean section in parturients with non-obstetric disorders such as pulmonary, cardiac, endocrine, gastrointestinal tract and blood diseases. Furthermore, rarer disorders of parturients are discussed such as neoplasms, muscle and myoneural junction diseases, HIV infection, organ transplantation and substance abuse.